Here’s a quick glance at some new improvements to the Core Strengths Platform.

Read all the details below or watch the video.

Everyone’s invited (instant assessment invitations)

Remember when you had to click the “Add Member” button, then put in some contact info for your new invitee, then the person got added to your list below, but they weren’t automatically invited to take the assessment, so then you still had to invite them after that? (Sorry, we just broke a rule for the number of commas in one sentence, and, yes, we’ve been listening to your requests!)

Well, things just got way easier.

Now, once you click the “Add Member” button, you’re taken straight into the invitation process and you can add several emails and invite them all at once.

Click “Send Invites” and voila!

You just added AND invited as many people as you wanted, in one easy step.

Ready, Set, Action

We just added two new actions to the Assess member list.

  1. Copy invite link - Now you can copy the invite link and send it from your personal email if you prefer.

  2. Reclaim unused assessment credits - All those outstanding and unused assessment invitations you might have, you can now easily reclaim those credits. Simply click the trashcan icon to remove your invite and get your credit back. (This will remove the invitee from the account but you can always invite them again later.)

Everyone can invite (assessment invitations now available to all)

Wait, there’s more. Now any member of an account can purchase assessment credits and send invitations from Assess! Simply add members, customize the assessment invitation, and purchase credits via Stripe checkout. 

Now more people than ever can enjoy the benefits of Relationship Intelligence at work. 

Bienvenue, amis français !

The Core Strengths Platform is now live in Parisian French. More languages mean stronger team relationships around the world. Here’s our current list of supported languages.

Portable RQ in more languages

Core Strengths is the mobile app that reveals who you are, how you work, and most importantly, how you build meaningful relationships with your teams – worldwide. Soon all 14 languages will be live, and more languages are on the way!

That’s all for this month’s update.

Remember, when relationships work, there’s not a problem we can’t solve together.

Until next time,

The Core Strengths Team