Core Strengths Platform Update - February 2022

February 3, 2022

  • This release is mainly comprised of changes to our upcoming Coach product but is not yet available to customers. The team has been hard at work building this great addition to the Core Strengths platform and has a few loose ends to tie up before making “Coach” visible on the platform. Soon!

  • There is a new look to the Account > Members page. Account Owners will now have the ability to grant/remove the Admin role to Members. When Coach is released to GA, Owners in Accounts that have signed up for Coach functionality will be able to promote any Member to the Coach role so they can begin using SDI 2.0 in their regular coaching conversations.

  • We now include VAT for in-app purchases made in the UK.

  • We made some updates to the administration side of our platform that will help our Marketing team.

  • We fixed a bug in the Assessment Due Date displayed in the Assessment invite sample email.

  • Various tech-debt and code clean up.