April 2024
Assessment Upgrade
We are working on a large upgrade to SDI assessment. This includes improved accessibility functions, better visuals, more intuitive response functions and more! This new assessment upgrade version should allow users a better experience.
SDI Retakes
This new feature allows for users to request the ability to retake their SDI. Users may go through a life change, gain self knowledge, or disagree with their SDI results. Contact our user support to take a new SDI while keeping all previous results.
**the ability to view previous results will be coming in the future**New Feature Announcements
We have launched a new format to inform all users of feature updates. This new pop up message gives us the ability to customize feature announcement to the user role and reduce extra noise while users are exploring the platform. This feature will be used in conjunction with our joyride experience to walk users through large feature launchesCompare v2 Improvement : Forced Ranked Endorsements
The newest compare tool has just gotten a noticeable update! Within your compare tool all endorsed insights will now be forced ranked. This means that you will always see endorsed insights on a user before seeing randomized MVS insights
Reactivation for Basic/Train Accounts
The platform was not able to reactivate expired accounts for Basic/Train accounts due to a bug with the expiration date for these account types. Any account owner should be able to easily reactivate w/out external support.
This has been resolvedLocale Change Issues
Users were experiencing a challenge w/updating their locale for high fidelity reports. When a users locale is updated, the platform will generate updated reports in the new locale language. We have pinpointed a resolution for these users.
This has been resolvedTrial end date fix
Users were not able to update their trial end dates.
This has been resolved
Key Admin Dot Updates
Crucial Learning can now be CS Owner
Now that Core Strengths has joined Crucial Learning we would like to ensure our users are able to take advantage of the full support team. All Crucial Learning employees can now be given elevated privileges w/in the platform. This now doubles the user support we have available for all customers
Demo User Tweaks
To improve the usage of our Demo characters while protecting the integrity of our account information, we have chosen to update certain functionality with our Demo users.Demo Users will no longer have an account role
Demo Users can not be invited to a class
Hiding Demo users email
Demo users can not be sent connections
Updating Support URL Links
To ensure there is smooth change management we have updated all customer support links on our platform. This includes, App Dot, Admin Dot, and all integrations
This will go live May 23rd 2024
Beginning May 23, we will discontinue our Core Strengths Live Chat support service and migrate our customer support to the Crucial Learning Help Desk. You will be able to access support by visiting help.cruciallearning.com. Until then, please add Help@cruciallerning.com to your allow list so we can continue to support you.