Core Strengths Platform Update - July/August 2020

Here’s a quick glance at some of this summer’s improvements to the Core Strengths Platform.

Where’s my report?

Many of you have chatted in and asked how to find your SDI 2.0 Personalized Report PDF. First of all, we’re thrilled that you want to go back and review your results. Secondly, we heard you, and we just made it easier than ever to find it.

  1. Your PDF Report can now be found right under your personalized Results video (which you should watch if you haven’t) – located on the Discover>Results tab.

  2. Also, all of your downloads can be found by clicking your Profile Avatar menu on the top right of the screen (just click your picture or initials and the menu appears).


Best-in-class Delivery Tools

Demo Users and Classes

With each new Account, a DEMO Class is added with Demo Users as Learners. This gives facilitators the ability to preview the class functionality and sample the Digital Learner Guide. Added bonus: with demo users added in each account, anyone can see the power of Compare and Teams to help improve collaboration and boost team performance.

Improved Facilitator Experience

Easily access the digital Facilitator Manual in each section of the virtual Facilitator Certification Checklist, now complete with direct links to the different sections of the manual.

We’ve also made it easier to promote your classes with new downloadable email teasers for Core Strengths: Results Through Relationships workshops. Find the new email teasers in Train > Resources > Tools.

Easily Purchase SDI 2.0 Credits on Demand

If you’ve ever needed a few extra Assessment Credits in a hurry, we think you’ll like this. SDI 2.0 credits can now be purchased directly from the Assess tab in any account. (The Assess tab is only visible to Account Owners, Admins, Coaches, and Facilitators.)


Privacy by Design

Privacy and security are our highest values as a company. Here are a few improvements we’ve made to give you peace of mind about how your data is even more secure.

  • The system logs out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

  • Selecting ‘Remember Me’ at login keeps you logged in for 2 weeks.

  • New Account ‘Roles’ column on the Account > Members table shows the roles each user has in the Account.

  • CSP sync is automatically disabled when a Facilitator leaves an Account.


Platform Tips All in One Place

“How-to” videos for all things Platform are now all in one place. If there’s a question about how to do something, we’ve probably answered it here.


Remember, when relationships work, there’s not a problem we can’t solve together.


Until next time,

The Core Strengths Team