Send SDI 2.0 Invitations and Reminders to Class Members

Send SDI 2.0 Invitations and Reminders to Class Members

You must send invitations for learners to take the SDI 2.0 assessment before they attend a class. You can also send reminders to complete the SDI 2.0 before the in-person session.

To send SDI 2.0 invitations and reminders to class members, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to app.corestrengths.com.

  2. Click Train in the top-level navigation.

  3. Click Classes in the second-level navigation.

  4. Click the class for which you want to send invitations or reminders.

  5. Check the box next to the class members' name who needs an invitation to take the SDI.

  6. Click the Invite icon.

  7. Check the box next to the class members' name who needs a reminder to take the SDI.

  8. Click the Remind icon.

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