Setup a New Client and Invite ‘Client’ Account Owner and Members using Partner Credits (Portal ONLY)

Setup a New Client and Invite ‘Client’ Account Owner and Members using Partner Credits (Portal ONLY)

As a Partner these are the steps you should follow to create a new account and invite your first members to that account.

Setup a New Client and Invite an Owner using Partner Credits

  1. Log in to admin.corestrengths.com

  2. From the Dashboard Click on the ‘+ Add Account’ button on the desired Partner Card
    • Optional: This can also be done in the desired Partnership from the same Partner Detail Card.

  3. Name the account and click submit

  4. Once the new Account dashboard loads click on the ‘+ Invite Members’ button.

  5. Proceed through step wizard and choose your Client Account Owner.

Client Accounts cannot be owned by Partners.

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