Reset the Core Strengths Presenter (CSP)

Reset the Core Strengths Presenter (CSP)

If you’re experiencing any issues with your Core Strengths Presenter (CSP), try resetting the CSP. The reset is the same whether you’re running macOS or Windows.

Follow these steps to reset the CSP:

  1. Launch the CSP.

  2. On the Welcome screen, click I forgot my PIN. Do not enter your 4-digit PIN.
    A PIN Recovery page loads.

  3. Skip the security questions, and instead click the Reset Presenter link.

  4. A dialog box asks whether you want to proceed with resetting the CSP. Click Yes.

  5. Review the on-screen instructions to reset your presenter key:

    1. Log in to app.corestrengths.com

    2. Click your profile picture or initials in the upper-right corner of the screen. 

    3. From the dropdown menu, choose Profile

    4. Scroll to the Presenter key section.

    5. Click the Copy icon next to the alphanumeric string. If no presenter key is listed, click Re-generate key, and then click Ok.

  6. Return to the CSP.

  7. In the Paste the presenter key here field, paste the key.

  8. Click Continue.
    The Getting Started Screen loads.

  9. You might have already filled out your personal information, but because you reset the CSP, you need to fill out this information again:

    • Enter your first and last name

    • Enter your company name

    • Create a 4-digit PIN

    • Set two security questions with answers

    • Check the box to accept the facilitator license agreement after you agree to the terms.

    • Click Enter.

  10. In the Welcome to the Core Strengths Presenter screen, type your 4-digit PIN and click Enter.


Watch this tutorial to see how to reset the CSP

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