Compare Your Results With Another Member's Results

Compare Your Results With Another Member's Results

You can use the Compare functionality to compare your Strengths, Motives, and Conflict Sequences, as well as read tips on how to best communicate, with another member. To access the Compare functionality, you must have an upgraded account. See Upgrade Your Account.

To compare your results with another member's results, follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to app.corestrengths.com
  2. Click Compare in the top-level navigation.
  3. Click the search icon () to search for the person you'd like to compare your results with.
  4. Click Connect next to the person's name.
    The person receives an email invitation to connect with you.
  5. When they click the link in the email, they are redirected to a page where they can accept or ignore your request. 
  6. You receive an email after the person accepts your invitation to connect. The Connect button now says Compare
  7. Click Compare next to the person's name. 
    A Compare Styles page loads. 

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