Add a Member to Your Account and Send an Assessment

Add a Member to Your Account and Send an Assessment

You must add members to your account to send assessments. 

You have two options for adding and inviting members:

  1. Add a member and send just an SDI 2.0 invitation (not through a Class), see below.
  2. Add a member by inviting them to a Core Strengths Results Through Relationships Class, see Add or Reschedule a Learner to a Class.

Members can be added individually or as a bulk upload; you can find instructions below.

Add a Member then Send an Assessment

Follow these steps to invite participants to your account and Send Invitation:

  1. Log in to the platform: http://app.corestrengths.com/.

  2. Click your avatar/initials in the upper right corner.

  3. Click Switch to select the account you want to invite the participant into.

  4. Go to the Assess tab in the top-level navigation.

  5. Click + Invite.

  6. Enter date and the email address(es) in the spaces provided.

  7. Click Send Invite.

  8. They will receive an email asking them to opt-in to the account or an invitation to complete the assessment.

Add a Batch of Members and Send Assessments

Follow these steps to create a .csv upload file to add multiple members to your account:

  1. Log in to app.corestrengths.com
  2. Click Account in the top-level navigation.
  3. Click Add +
  4. Click Batch .csv Template to download the template.
    A .csv template downloads to your computer.
  5. In the .csv template, fill in the following columns with the required information: 
    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. E-mail address
    4. Job title (if you don’t want to enter a job title, include a hyphen ( - ) in this column).

  6. Save the file in a place where you'll remember.

  7. Click Batch Upload Members.

  8. From your files, navigate to the .csv file, and then click Choose.  

  9. Select the Members and click "Invite".

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