Core Strengths Platform Update - June 2021
Here’s a quick glance at some new improvements to the Core Strengths Platform.
Compare is Now a Party of Three
The team has been busy redesigning the Compare feature to give you more insight into more people on the same screen. Our previous design only showed you Tips for one person at a time. On June 23, you’ll get a true side-by-side view of Motives, Conflict, Strengths, and Communication Tips. But we didn’t stop there…now you can compare a THIRD person at the same time.
Clicking the “Change” button also lets you choose different people to compare to.
This summer’s outlook just got brighter.
Core Strengths for Outlook is available now
Get personalized communication tips for every email and meeting directly in your inbox. Now it’s possible to tailor your approach to custom-fit each person you work with – right when you need it.
Something BIG is Coming
Core Strengths is the mobile app that reveals who you are, how you work, and most importantly, how you build meaningful relationships with your teams. Later this summer, you’ll get personalized insights to strengthen work relationships and team performance, right from your phone.
That’s all for this month’s update.
Remember, when relationships work, there’s not a problem we can’t solve together.
Until next time,
The Core Strengths Team