Core Strengths for Slack

Core Strengths for Slack

Improve interactions with communication tips tailored to others' styles.

Thriving relationships are essential for team performance. Unfortunately, hybrid teamwork creates barriers to authentic connection. The Core Strengths app helps you adapt your communication style to your teammates' personalities. Collaborate in a way that fosters team relationships using personalized insights embedded where work happens.

Users are empowered with Relationship Intelligence to accelerate authentic team connections.

  • Write Effective Messages: Get personalized and dynamic communication tips to help tailor your chats and messages to build connections with anyone.

  • View SDI 2.0 Results: Easily access SDI 2.0 results for yourself or your colleagues within Slack. As long as you are connected in the Core Strengths platform, you and your colleagues can access results by using the results command.

  • Connect with Colleagues: If your organization requires connection requests within the Core Strengths platform, you can now manage these connection requests through Slack.

  • Invite Colleagues to Complete the SDI 2.0: Invites made easy! If your Core Strengths platform permissions are set to allow this, you can use the invite shortcut to invite your teammates to complete the SDI 2.0.

  • Access Additional Tips: If you want additional tips for a teammate, use the Tips shortcut to view additional communication tips for when things are going well (or not so well).

Note: To use the Core Strengths app for Slack, you must have an active account with Core Strengths and SDI 2.0 results.

How to Use Slash Commands

You can receive Relationship Intelligence (RQ) insights on anyone who has SDI results (and that you're connected to) in your account. Use /corestrengths @user to pull an insight for these different topics: motives, conflict, strengths, theirtriggers, mytriggers, and results.

Simply add the topic on the end of the slash command, like this:• /corestrengths @user motives - Write messages that connect with what matters most to others.

  • /corestrengths @user conflict - Navigate messaging effectively even when there is conflict.

  • /corestrengths @user strengths - Respect the strengths your teammates use most often.

  • /corestrengths @user theirtriggers - Avoid teammates' conflict triggers by being mindful of overdone strengths.

  • /corestrengths @user mytriggers - Manage your conflict triggers by considering teammates' true intentions.

  • /corestrengths @user results - See a snapshot of your teammate's SDI 2.0 results.These slash commands and tips will only be visible to you.

Note - this is determined by Slack. Please reference Slack’s help center for more information.

How to Use Shortcuts

You can use Slack's shortcut feature to invite, connect, or get more communication tips for others in your organization.

  • Connect - Connect with a teammate so you can access RQ insights. Note: If your Core Strengths account does not require connections to share SDI 2.0 results, you won't need to use this shortcut.

  • Invite to take the SDI - Invite a teammate to take the SDI so you can access RQ insights.

  • Tips - View a range of tips for a specific user to help strengthen work relationships.

How to Install the Core Strengths Slack app

You can reference this flyer to install the Core Strengths app for Slack. Note - you may still need permissions from your company’s Slack workspace admin.

How to Install the Core Strengths Slack Emoji Pack

  1. You can reference this Slack FAQ for instructions on how to load an emoji pack.

  2. Download our MVS and CS Emojis here.



The app may require approval from your Slack administrator. Please check with your internal Slack admin for next steps.

If you are a Slack administrator, use these resources to manage app installations on your workspace: 1) you can turn on admin app approvals and 2) build an internal app approval process.

Yes! All of the Core Strengths accounts associated with your email address are available in the app.

Markets and Languages

Currently, US English is only supported at this time.

Our app is available in all markets in the marketplace. However, the app is only available in English at this time.


Access to the slack app is priced per user. Please reach out to us to learn more.

Trust & Security


The Core Strengths app for Slack will need access to the following scopes in a workspace:

  • channels:read: View basic information about public channels in a workspace

    • Reason: To provide/insert tip insights within any channel. Additionally, this is necessary to invite new participants to use the CS app.

  • chat:write: Send messages as @Core Strengths

    • Reason: To send “only visible to you” messages on behalf of the app to users requesting insights on teammate. These chat messages to do not read existing chats or persist/harvest any content within the chat. It is used only to provide a personalized statement between the target user and the current user.

  • commands: Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use

    • Reason: To enable shortcut commands for common operations when viewing a user’s platform results and initiating invites, connection requests, and longer form tips.

  • emoji:read: View custom emoji in a workspace

    • Reason: To check if the workspace has Core Strengths custom emojis installed. This will read custom emojis for use within our tips content back to the user. We offer custom emoji packs for motives and conflict triangles. If these custom emojis are not installed into the workspace, the app will use default emojis.

  • users:read: View people in a workspace

    • Reason: To read user details within a workspace for personalization of messages and identity mapping.

  • users:read.email: View email addresses of people in a workspace

    • Reason: To read user emails within the workspace to allow user lookups on the Core Strengths platform, which hosts the assessment results. The email address is the unique ID to perform this lookup. The app needs access to the user’s name and email address to connect back to the assessment results and populate associated results / tips within the app.


Open-Sharing: If your Core Strengths account is set to open-sharing permissions, anyone in your account can see your results and communication tips.

Closed-Sharing: If your Core Strengths account is set to closed-sharing permissions, only those you’re connected to will see your results and communication tips.

If you are in an open-sharing environment, you will need to have your data removed from your organization's account. If you are in a closed-sharing environment, you will have to connect with other users in the account before they can see your results. You can remove connections and the Core Strengths website.

No. We do not persist any data through the integration, and we don’t sell any data.

Please visit here to view our privacy policies.


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